Welcome to our club!
OUR NEXT MEETING IS: June 27, 2024, 7:30 PM at the Westfield Municipal Center, East Broad Street.
Mr. Bruce Marsden – “Collecting the Strubles of Switzerland 1854-1863. These stamps are the Sitting Helvetia type (Scott nos. 14-40).
There will be a bourse before the meeting (7:30 pm).
The Westfield Stamp Club was established in 1961 to promote the enjoyment of philately among stamp collectors of Union County, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas. The Club’s varied membership of novice to specialized collectors allows all interests to be served in the Club’s activities. Its format includes such educational activities as PowerPoint presentations, guest speakers, auctions, an Annual Holiday Party, an annual Show & Exhibition, and a friendly exchange of information among its members. The Club also offers a complete set of Scott’s Catalogues, which members may sign out for a month at a time.
Meetings are held at 8:00 PM on the fourth Thursday of each month except for November (3rd Thursday), and July and August (summer recess). Upcoming meeting dates and speakers are listed in the Meeting Schedule. Annual dues are $8.00. Membership runs from September 1 to August 31.