Review our rich history
During the Fall of 1961, A. Warren Scheller had the thought of forming a local stamp club. After meeting with several other collectors in the area they decided to make a go of it and approached Walter Hawkins, Executive Director of the Westfield YMCA. Mr. Hawkins was enthusiastic about the idea and offered to have the “Y” serve as a meeting place for the club. In December, a meeting was held at the “Y” and the Westfield YMCA Stamp Club was born with fifty-two charter members. Warren Scheller was (and still is) Member No. 1. World famous philatelic researcher and writer Elliott Perry was Member No. 49.
Over the course of the next two years, the Club incorporated in New Jersey and became a chapter of both the North Jersey Federated Stamp Clubs (NOJEX) and the American Philatelic Society. The Club grew in both numbers and reputation. The annual show and exhibition was begun and continues to this day.
Eventually the Club moved its regular meeting place from the YMCA to the Community Room in the Westfield Municipal Building at 425 East Broad Street, where it currently holds its meetings and show. The name was also changed to the Westfield Stamp Club.
The Westfield Stamp Club has a long history of helping stamp collectors of all levels gain much more enjoyment from their hobby. Please take a look at the rest of our website and then stop down to a meeting one night and see what we can offer you. The visit is free, but what you stand to gain is priceless.