
Managing the club

The Westfield Stamp Club is a corporation incorporated in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.

During 2008, the Club revised both its Constitution and By-Laws in order to streamline some procedures and to adjust to modern technology (e-mail, etc.). The current Constitution and By-Laws are shown here.

Adopted at the Regular Meeting of October 23, 2008


The official name of this organization shall be the Westfield Stamp Club.

ARTICLE II – Purpose

The purpose of this organization is to promote and encourage philately in all of its aspects, particularly in the areas of collecting philatelic materials, their exhibition, and education of those interested in the field.

ARTICLE III – Organization

Section 1 – Board of Governors
a. The Board of Governors shall consist of the four officers and four to eight governors.
b. The officers of this organization shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
c. The number of governors shall be determined by the Board of Governors as needed to satisfactorily run the organization.

Section 2 – Nominations
a. Nominations for officers and governors shall be made by a Nominating Committee appointed by the Board of Governors.
b. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chair and as many members as considered necessary to properly carry out its duties as determined by the Board of Governors.
c. The Nominating Committee shall present its final report at the meeting prior to the annual meeting, and this report shall be presented to the total membership in the announcement for the annual meeting.
d. Additional nominations may be made from the floor by any member in good standing at the meeting prior to the annual meeting or at the annual meeting.

Section 3 – Election Procedures
a. The officers and governors shall be elected annually at the annual business meeting held each June.
b. Elections shall be made by voice vote and only members in good standing will be eligible to vote. A secret ballot will be permitted if approved by 50% of the membership present at the annual meeting.
c. Newly elected officers shall take office on July 1st.

Section 4 – Replacement of Officers and Governors
a. Should the office of the President become vacant, the Vice President shall become President for the balance of the program year which begins on July 1st.
b. Should any other office or position on the Board of Governors become vacant, the President, with the approval of the Board of Governors, shall appoint a member in good standing to that position for the remainder of the term.

ARTICLE IV – Duties of the Officers and Governors

Section 1 – The Officers and Governors shall perform the usual duties of such officers and governors in a deliberative assembly, and such other duties as may be ordered by the Board of Governors or by action of the Membership.

Section 2 – The Treasurer shall present a formal financial report at the annual meeting and keep the Board of Governors apprised of the organization’s financial status at its regular meetings.

Section 3 – The Board of Governors shall handle all routine business of the organization and regularly render reports to the membership.

ARTICLE V – Membership

Section 1 – Any person who is of good character and is actively interested in philately may apply for membership.

Section 2 – All applications must be approved by a majority of the Governors present at any particular meeting of the Board of Governors.

Section 3 – A member in good standing is one who is not delinquent in the payment of dues or other obligations to the Club.

ARTICLE VI – Meetings

Section 1 – Regular meetings shall be held monthly except for July and August.

Section 2 – All members will be notified of meetings at least one week prior to the meeting by regular mail or e-mail, as appropriate.

Section 3 – The annual business meeting will be conducted in June of each year.

Section 4 – Special meetings (program or business) may be called by the President, with the approval of the Board of Governors, or upon the written request of seven members providing advanced notice is given to all members at least one week prior to the date of the meeting.


Section 1 – A quorum for the conduct of club business, other than constitutional changes, shall be constituted when at least one fifth of all of the members in good standing are present.


Section 1 – Club dues shall be payable at the September-October-November meetings, and shall cover the period from September 1st to August 31st.

Section 2 – Members more than twelve months in arrears with their dues shall automatically be suspended from the membership. Reinstatement shall be effected by payment of back dues.

Section 3 – Any former member, who has not been a member for two or more years, may be reinstated upon making application in the same manner as new applicants.

ARTICLE IX – Committees

Section 1 – The President, with the approval of the Board of Governors, shall arrange and conduct all Club business, and shall appoint all committees necessary for the smooth functioning of the organization.

ARTICLE X – Amendments

Section 1 – All Constitution and By-Law changes must be proposed at least one meeting in advance of the actual vote.

Section 2 – An affirmative vote of the majority of the Club membership is required for any change to the Constitution. This vote may be taken at a regular meeting or via regular mail/e-mail, as appropriate.

Section 3 – An affirmative vote of the majority of the quorum present at any business meeting is required for any By-Law changes.


ARTICLE I – Board of Governors

Section 1 – The Board of Governors shall meet at least once each month, except during July and August, of each year. The President may unilaterally cancel up to three such meetings per year.

ARTICLE II – Membership

Section 1 – Dues must accompany the application for membership and shall be refunded if the application is rejected. If accepted, membership is retroactive to the date of application.

Section 2 – An opportunity will be provided at all regular program meetings for a report from the Board of Governors and any pertinent announcements.

ARTICLE III – Meetings

Section 1 – At meetings, all members shall conduct themselves with proper courtesy and respect for the rights of other members.

Section 2 – An opportunity will be provided at all regular program meetings for a report from the Board of Governors and any pertinent announcements.

Section 3 – Roberts Rules of Order will be followed at all business meeting.

Section 4 – The Board of Governors is authorized to arrange for a meeting place.


Section 1 – Each member, upon joining the club, shall be given a sequential membership number, which shall never be assigned to another member.

Section 2 – Dues shall be such sum as may be fixed by the Board of Governors.

Section 3 – Members joining during the intervals below shall pay dues as follows:

  • Sept 1 to Nov. 30——–100%

  • Dec 1 to Feb 28(29) ——75%

  • Mar. 1 to May 31——– 50%

ARTICLE V – Finances

Section 1 – The Board of Governors, on behalf of the Club, is authorized to provide reimbursement for the use of meeting room facilities.

Section 2 – The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all Club funds. The depository of funds shall be approved by the Board of Governors.

Section 3 – All disbursements must be approved in advance by an officer of the Club other that the Treasurer. The Treasurer or the President may sign checks.

Section 4 – All accounts will be subject to an annual audit by an auditing committee made up of three Club members who are not members of the Board of Governors. The committee shall be appointed by the President.

Section 5 – Commission to the Club on all auction sales shall be as fixed by the Board of Governors.

ARTICLE VI – Expulsion

Section 1 – Any member may be expelled from the Club for conduct unbecoming a member by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Governors.

ARTICLE VII – Guest Procedures

Section 1 – Guests shall be extended the privilege of attending not more than two meetings in any one year.


©2008-2024 Westfield Stamp Club. All rights reserved.
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